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ממסר פחת, מפסק דלף, מפסק פחת או מפסק מגן הוא_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_device which automatically disconnects the voltage, in case of occurrence leakageat a certain size at a certain time. The purpose of the circuit breaker is to protect against electricity and also to prevent the danger of fire. An undercurrent relay can protect a single device, a single circuit, several circuits or even an electrical installation. A loss relay by itself cannot protect the system, and it only improves the protection that the system receives by the grounding.

The principle of operation of the equipment and the rest of the information is foundHere

When there is a malfunction in the electricity there will be no electricity in the house, the circuit breaker does not turn on, but there may be a leak in the installation. Only an electrician with a device called a generator can diagnose which circuit is leaking, and only a test with a special device that checks the reduction can confirm that the reduction is normal and disconnects the voltage at the correct leakage and most importantly - at the correct response time.


If in doubt, call the electrician now 052-3320144

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